Oak Field, in the heart of the community.
Together Everyone Achieves More!
School Uniform
You order school uniform through ParentPay - https://www.parentpay.com/
Prices are:
Cardigan (all sizes) - £11.00
Polo Shirt:
Adult - £8.00
Child - £7.00
Adult - £10.50
Child - £9.00
Year 6 Sweatshirt:
Adult - £19.00
Child - £13.00
Once ordered if items are in stock, they will be sent home with your child at the end of the day.
Preloved Uniform Shop
We also have a wide selection of preloved school uniform which is available in our school uniform shop (in between the Bocs Bwyd and our outdoor kitchen).
The preloved uniform shop is a pay as you feel shop – open 2:30pm - 4:30pm every Wednesday.
Any families in urgent need of uniform please message Mrs Borge (Family Engagement Officer) – 07432148732